AstroGrav Help /Menus /Evolve /StopVersion 5.3
Evolve / Stop (
Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All
Stops the evolution of the frontmost simulation.
When you select this command, the frontmost simulation will stop evolving.
See Also:
- Evolve / Run Backward(
)that evolves the frontmost simulation backward one time step after another until it is stopped. - Evolve / Step Backward(
)that evolves the frontmost simulation backward one time step. - Evolve / Step Forward(
)that evolves the frontmost simulation forward one time step. - Evolve / Run Forward(
)that evolves the frontmost simulation forward one time step after another until it is stopped. - Evolve / Evolve To...(
)that evolves the frontmost simulation forward or backward to a specified date/time, or evolves to the next or previous event of a particular type. - Tools / Create Movie...(
)that creates a movie of the frontmost simulation while it is evolving. - Window / New Ephemeris...(
)that generates an ephemeris for each selected object in the frontmost simulation, while it is evolving.

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