AstroGrav iconAstroGrav Help /Menus /View /Customize Tool Bar...Version 5.2.1

View / Customize Tool Bar...   ('View / Customize Tool Bar...' icon)

Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All


Edits the tool bar for all windows.


When you select this command, a tool bar customization dialog will be displayed that applies to all windows. This dialog shows an icon for each of the available tools, with your current selection shown as depressed. You can click on the icons to select and deselect tools in order to specify which tools you want displayed in the tool bar in future. Alternatively, you can click on the Default Selection button to select the tools that appeared on the tool bar when you first started using AstroGrav. If you accept the dialog, AstroGrav will then modify the tool bars of all windows.

See Also:

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